The Sisterhood - Michael Palmer Summary: One by one, patients at Boston Doctors Hospital survive delicate surgery, only to die shortly thereafter--mysteriously and horribly. No one knows why--except the Sisterhood, nurses bound together by a secret pledge to end human suffering--nurses with warped, deadly intentions.A "Sisterhood" of nurses planted in hospitals all over the country. Their purpose is to end the life of people with hopeless causes, who live in agony every day because their doctors just won't let them die.This novel focuses on Dr. David Shelton, who is working to rebuild his career after a tragic accident and personal downfall. He agrees to take over his boss' caseload for the weekend. That was a fateful decision as one of his patients died and was discovered to be murdered. Shelton is then up against something sinister among the nurses ~~ The Sisterhood ~~ who believe in mercy killing. Framed for the murder, Shelton is on the run and soon, everyone close to him is dying.Between the outrage of the head surgeon and the thoroughness of our hero, the autopsy reveals foul play. The "sisterhood" has to go into action to take unusual measures to cover its tracks, point to Shelton as the murderer, and put out contracts on the nurse, Christine Beall, who actually did the deed, and our doctor as well. Literally running for their lives, Christine and David wind up romantically involved as well, just adding to the fun. Before it's over, another couple of murders add to the tension and suspense, and a great twist at the end concludes a very entertaining story.This book focuses squarely on the controversial subject of euthanasia. Michael Palmer M.D, practices addiction medicine in Massachusetts, so he has first hand knowledge of the medical world.