Night Season - Eileen Wilks Night Season is the fourth release of the World of the Lupi series by Eileen Wilks. This time around the story centers, mostly, on Lupine sorcerer Cullen Seabourne and FBI Agent Cynna Weaver. Weaver works for the Magical Crimes Division of the FBI and is also a Finder (a person who is able to find things and people that are missing). She still refuses to come to terms with the fact that she’s having a baby with Cullen. She goes through a period of self-doubt until finally she gets a positive indication on her pregnancy test. She is also the heir apparent to the Nokolai Clan’s Rhej, which she finds conflicting since she’s a devout Catholic. (Actually, she’s more like a Cafeteria Catholic in her beliefs if you truly read the bottom line.) She doesn’t really believe in the Lady, the deity that the Lupi worship and believe created their race, until later in the story when Cullen finds himself in big trouble and she finds herself calling upon her. Cullen, on the other hand, finds that he is spending more time with a dragon named Mika, while trying to let Cynna know that he's not going anywhere regardless of her feelings on the pregnancy issue. Mika is one of the dragons that agreed to help the US government with the Magic overflow problem that have caused the countries electronics to go haywire. Cullen is also trying to learn more about his shields that seem to be able to withstand a lot of damage, as well as learning more about new spells. As Cynna and Lily Yu are shopping for clothes, representatives from the Edge, show up in the middle of the mall. They want to talk about trading goods, and also need Cynna’s help in locating a missing medallion that is causing problems on their plane. Naturally, things go wrong and Cynna, Cullen, Ruben Brooks, Steve Timms and two others are dragged into the realm of the Edge. Lily is left behind which wasn't what the Edge people wanted. Naturally, they blame Cullen for putting too much magic into the gate between the worlds.Two of the more interesting characters, Kai Tallman Michalski and Nathan Hunter, play a small part in the story. We don’t really get a chance to get to know these characters. All we do know is that Kai is a Human from Texas who has mind healing abilities. Nathan is on a mission from his queen, which we have to presume is the Winter Queen of the Fae, not the Elves as indicated in the book. Nathan is also a hellhound, which I found interesting. I’ve actually been told that Kai and Nathan actually first appear in a novella called On the Prowl. I guess I should go back and re-read the story since it’s the same novella that first introduced Charles and Anna of the Alpha and Omega series.Cynna also has a reunion with her long lost father Daniel. Daniel disappeared 30 years ago in what Cynna thought was a walk away from the family moment. He actually was pulled into the Edge.Our little demon Gan, who played a part in reuniting Lily's soul, is also back and nearly a full Goblin now. She’s still part demon, and because of her blood, she ends up staying behind in the Edge and becoming the holder of the medallion which was causing full days of night to remain while daylight was pushed aside. The medallion is responsible for the balance of the seasons.In the end, Cynna agrees that Cullen has gotten under her skin, and they have to break a traditional ban on marrying. Lupi don’t marry. Rule claims he will support the decision since his Rhej has approved it even if his own father doesn't. Rule doesn't really want to see Cullen become a loner wolf again. Cynna agrees, in principle, to become the heir apparent Rhej after she called on the Lady to save Cullen and she did.Note: Lily and Rule end up being a backup story only in this release. Lily is a former San Diego Homicide Detective that because of her touch sensitive abilities, she has found herself working now as an FBI Agent for the MCD. Rule, of course, is the heir apparent to the Nokolai clan, and also holds the same position in a rival were clan. Overall, I found the story to be average at best. The whole new world of the Edge was actually interesting, as well as the fact that humans have been magically castrated in order to prevent them from having any children. The love/hate relationship between Cullen and Cynna is finally overwith. They can now get down the whole raising the rider story (baby). I also found it interesting that Cullen has the ability to determine the sex of the baby; boy, as well as learning Ruben's secret that he's not quite fully human which has caused a severe illness that there was no cure for until he landed in the Edge. Mortal Sins (2009) is the next book in the series, and goes back to Rule and Lily.